On history, royalty, politics, architecture, art and literature
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Dignified defiance
Like everyone else I am still at loss for words with which to describe the atrocious crimes committed by the terrorist and traitor Anders Behring Breivik against his nation on Friday. But perhaps it will suffice to post these photos showing how I found Oslo today when I returned from holiday.
Dear Trond I read your blog because I find your insights and obvious wealth of knowledge fascinating, and your writing style engaging. I am so sorry that this has happened to your country and your people. I take this opportunity to say that here in Australia we are thinking about Norway and share in your grief. The world stands by your side. Lea Mai, Sydney, Australia
I have been impressed by the grace and dignity with which Norwegians have been coping with this tragedy. May your country honor the victims' memories by living on as a strong and peaceful society.
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Trond Norén Isaksen is a Norwegian historian specialising in the history of monarchies, but also has a deep interest in politics and political history as well as the arts, particularly architecture.
I have a Master of Arts degree in modern history from the University of Oslo. I graduated in 2006 with the dissertation Halvt for Norge? - Bernadottene og det norske tronfølgespørsmålet, which dealt with the Swedish candidature to the Norwegian throne in connection with the dissolution of the union of crowns between Norway and Sweden.
I am the author of two biographies of members of the Norwegian royal family. The first was Dronningen vi ikke fikk,a biography of Crown Princess Märtha and King Olav V, which was published by Genesis forlag in 2003. The second, Kvinne blant konger, a biography of Norway’s former first lady Princess Astrid, was published by N. W. Damm & Søn (now Cappelen Damm) in 2007.
My third book, on coronations and their role in Norwegian history, Norges krone - Kroninger, signinger og maktkamper fra sagatid til nåtid was published in 2015. In 2017 I published a history of the twelfth-century wars for the Norwegian throne and how the crusading ideas turned them into a holy war, Hellig krig om Norges krone - Tronstrid, borgerkrig og korstog fra Sigurd Jorsalfare til kong Sverreand the following year Korsfareren - Sigurd Jorsalfare og hans verden, a biography of Sigurd the Jerusalemite, who was the first European king to go on a crusade to the Holy Land.
I am also co-author of the book about the Norwegian Royal Collection, Arv og tradisjon, edited by Anniken Thue and published by Orfeus Publishing in 2012.
I am a regular contributor to the British monthly magazine Majesty and have written about 250 articles for various publications, including Politiken, Kunst og Kultur, Historie, Aftenposten, Historisk tidsskrift, Byminner, Dagens Nyheter, Morgenbladet, The Court Historian, Personhistorisk tidskrift, Prosa, Dagsavisen, Klassekampen, St. Hallvard, Royalty Digest Quarterly, Dagbladet, British Politics Review, Heraldisk Tidsskrift, [Danish] Historisk Tidsskrift, Personalhistorisk Tidsskrift, The European Royal History Journal, Adresseavisen, Royalty Digest, Museumsbulletinen, VG, Nordlys, Trondhjemske Samlinger, Året i bilder, Vårt Land,Värmlands museums årsbok, Kristeligt Dagbladand Fredriksstad Blad.
My fifth book is a biography of King Sigurd the Jerusalemite of Norway (c. 1090-1130), who was the first European king to go on a crusade to the Holy Land. It was published by Historie & Kultur in 2018 and may be bought from Adlibris by clicking on the image (external link)
My fourth book is about the twelfth-century wars for the Norwegian throne and how the influence of crusading ideas turned them into a holy war, published by Forlaget Historie & Kultur in 2017. It may be bought from Adlibris by clicking on the picture (external link).
My third book is about coronations and their role in Norwegian history from the twelfth to the twentieth century, published in 2015 by Forlaget Historie & Kultur. It may be bought from Adlibris by clicking on the picture (external link).
Kvinne blant konger - En biografi om prinsesse Astrid
My second book was a biography of Princess Astrid, published in 2007 by N. W. Damm & Søn. It may be bought from Adlibris by clicking on the picture (external link).
Dronningen vi ikke fikk - En biografi om kronprinsesse Märtha og kong Olav
My first book was a biography of Crown Princess Märtha and King Olav V, published in 2003 by Genesis forlag. It is now out of print.
Complete list of my published works
243. Hellig krig om Norges krone – Tronstrid, borgerkrig og korstog fra Sigurd Jorsalfare til kong Sverre (Oslo, Forlaget Historie & Kultur AS, 2017).
242. “The End of Swedish Coronations” (Royalty Digest Quarterly, no. 3 – 2017).
241. “Young Man in a Hurry” (Majesty, Vol. 38, No. 10, October 2017).
240. “Crown Jewels of Norway” (Majesty, Vol. 38, No. 10, October 2017).
239. “Paven, modern og bastarden” (Klassekampen, 16-17 September 2017).
238. “Crown Jewels of Sweden” (Majesty, Vol. 38, No. 9, September 2017).
237. “Peacemaker” (Majesty, Vol. 38, No. 9, September 2017).
236. “Kongegemalens vanskelige historie” (Politiken, 22 August 2017).
235. “Kunsten å være dronning” (Aftenposten, 4 July 2017).
234. “The Art of Being Queen” (Majesty, Vol. 38, No. 7, July 2017).
233. “Oscarshall” (Majesty, Vol. 38, No. 6, June 2017).
232. “Kortversjonen av den norske kongehistorien” (Aftenposten, 6 May 2017).
230. “King Among Queens” (Majesty, Vol. 38, No. 4, April 2017).
229. “Extravagance” (Majesty, Vol. 38, No. 4, April 2017).
228. “Schleissheim” (Majesty, Vol. 38, No. 3, March 2017).
227. “Modern Victorian” (Majesty, Vol. 38, No. 2, February 2017).
226. “Sibling Act” (Majesty, Vol. 38, No. 2, February 2017).
225. “Return of the Bonapartes” (Majesty, Vol. 38, No. 1, January 2017).
224. “Lord Mountbatten och den svenska monarkin” (Kungliga Magasinet, no. 7 – 2016).
223. “Trondheim som kroningsby”, in Andreas R. S. Dugstad (ed.), Trondhjemske Samlinger 2016 (Trondheim, Trondhjems Historiske Forening, 2016).
222. “Dreams From Her Father” (Majesty, Vol. 37, No. 12, December 2016).
221. “Exit the King” (Majesty, Vol. 37, No. 12, December 2016).
220. “The Power of Presence: Crafting a Norwegian Identity for the Bernadotte Heirs”, in Frank Lorenz Müller and Heidi Mehrkens (eds.), Royal Heirs and the Uses of Soft Power in Nineteenth-Century Europe (London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016).
219. “The Legend of Franz Joseph” (Majesty, Vol. 37, No. 11, November 2016).
218. “The Princess and the President” (Majesty, Vol. 37, No. 10, October 2016).
217. “The Last Saxon” (Majesty, Vol. 37, No. 9, September 2016).
216. “Candles in the Snow” (Majesty, Vol. 37, No. 8, August 2016).
215. “Happy Ending” (Majesty, Vol. 37, No. 8, August 2016).
214. “Norges gamle kroningsby” (Bergens Tidende, 25 June 2016).
213. “Fra kroning til signing” (Aftenposten, 23 June 2016).
212. “Napoléon’s Second Empress” (Majesty, Vol. 37, No. 7, July 2016).
211. “Haakon den hellige” (Adresseavisen, 22 June 2016).
187. Norges krone – Kroninger, signinger og maktkamper fra sagatid til nåtid (Oslo, Forlaget Historie & Kultur AS, 2015).
186. “Flaming Heart” (Majesty, Vol. 36, No. 10, October 2015).
185. “Partners in War and Peace” (Majesty, Vol. 36, No. 10, October 2015).
184. “The Sanity of Queen Charlotte” (Majesty, Vol. 36, No. 10, October 2015).
183. “Kilder forvrenges” (Aftenposten, 22 September 2015).
182. “Ikke et ord om nazisympatier” (Aftenposten, 17 September 2015).
181. “Dronningmorens påståtte nazisympatier” (Aftenposten, 4 September 2015).
180. “Intet tyder på at dronningmoren var nazisympatisør” (Aftenposten, 28 August 2015).
179. “Bernadotte vs Hitler” (Majesty, Vol. 36, No. 9, September 2015).
178. “Kokkvolds grunnløse nazipåstander” (Aftenposten, 22 August 2015).
177. “Dronningmoren var ikke nazisympatisør” (Aftenposten, 19 August 2015).
176. “Kongelege ekteskap: What’s love got to do with it? Kor mykje politikk er det eigentleg i kongeleg romantikk?” (Det norske teatret Bakteppet – Repertoarmagasin, autumn 2015).
175. “Kokkvolds nazibeskyldninger” (Aftenposten, 6 August 2015).
174. “A Wedding & a Baby” (Majesty, Vol. 36, No. 8, August 2015).
173. “Book review: Haakon’s Hall” (The Court Historian, Volume 20, Number 1, June 2015).
172. “Kungliga svenska antinazister” (Kungliga Magasinet, no. 4 – 2015).
171. Untitled review of Eva Gravensten's book Det blinde skæbnespil – Om Bernadotte, Napoleon og Norden ([Danish] Historisk Tidsskrift, vol. 114, issue 2).
170. “Heirs to Napoléon” (Majesty, Vol. 36, No. 6, June 2015).
169. “Princess of Paradise” (Majesty, Vol. 36, No. 6, June 2015).
168. “Drottningholm” (Majesty, Vol. 36, No. 5, May 2015).
167. “Danes at War” (Majesty, Vol. 36, No. 4, April 2015).
166. “Kongelig gulostlunsj” (Aftenposten, 13 March 2015).
165. “Court City & Royal Monument” (Majesty, Vol. 36, No. 3, March 2015).
164. “Royal Autocrat” (Majesty, Vol. 36, No. 3, March 2015).
163. “Krontorp Herregård – et Linstow-verk i Värmland?” (Byminner, no. 1 – 2015).
162. “Brødrekongenes tid går mot slutten” (Aftenposten, 10 February 2015).
161. Untitled review of Munro Price's book Napoleon: The End of Glory (Scandinavian Journal of History, vol. 40, no. 1 – 2015).
160. “Johan Martin Ferner” (Aftenposten, 27 January 2015).
159. “Disinherited Heir” (Majesty, Vol. 36, No. 2, February 2015).
158. “The White Queen” (Majesty, Vol. 36, No. 2, February 2015).
156. “Four Generations – Monarchs with Three Heirs” (Royalty Digest Quarterly, no. 4 – 2014).
155. “Gud, konge og enevelde – Elverum kirkes utsmykking og dens ideologiske kontekst og forbilde”, in Linn Willetts Borgen (ed.), Fortidsminneforeningens årbok 2014 (Oslo, Fortidsminneforeningen, 2014).
154. “The Prince Who Would Be King: Henrik of Denmark and His Struggle for Recognition”, in Charles Beem and Miles Taylor (eds.), The Man Behind the Queen: Male Consorts in History (New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014).
153. “Churchill's Six Sovereigns” (Majesty, Vol. 36, No. 1, January 2015).
152. “Uncrowned King of Bavaria” (Majesty, Vol. 35, No. 12, December 2014).
151. “Triumf og legitimitet - Rikssverdet fra Leipzig til Trondheim”, in Andreas R. S. Dugstad (ed.), Trondhjemske Samlinger 2014 (Trondheim, Trondhjems Historiske Forening, 2014).
150. “Kristine Bernadotte” (Dagens Nyheter, 14 November 2014).
149. Untitled review of Randi Buchwaldt's and Ted Rosvall's book Axel & Margaretha: A Royal Couple, in Thit Birk Petersen et al (eds.): Dansk-norske skæbner før og efter 1814 – Personalhistorisk Tidsskrift 2014 (n.p.: Samfundet for Dansk Genealogi og Personalhistorie 2014).
147. “Four Sisters” (Majesty, Vol. 35, No. 10, October 2014).
146. “The Last Court Painter” (Majesty, Vol. 35, No. 10, October 2014).
145. “Da Christian Frederik møtte Carl Johan” (Historie, no. 2 – 2014).
144. “Crowning Glory” (Majesty, Vol. 37, No. 9, September 2014).
143. “Fit for an Empress” (Majesty, Vol. 37, No. 9, September 2014),
142. “Book review: Anointing Absolutism”. Review of Anders Monrad Møller's book Enevældens kroninger – Syv salvinger – Ceremoniellet, teksterne og musikken (The Court Historian, Vol. 19,1, June 2014).
141. “Felipe VI” (Majesty, Vol. 36, No. 8, August 2014).
140. “The Rise and Fall of Juan Carlos” (Majesty, Vol. 36, No. 7, July 2014).
139. “American Princess” (Majesty, Vol. 36, No. 7, July 2014).
138. “Christian Frederik ble ikke valgt [av folket]” (Aftenposten, 24 May 2014).
137. “Queen’s Consort” (Majesty, Vol. 36, No. 6, June 2014).
136. “Union of Crowns” (Majesty, Vol. 35, No. 5, May 2014).
135. “United but separate is a tricky solution” (Sunday Herald, 30 March 2014).
134. “Fredensborg” (Majesty, Vol. 35, No. 4, April 2014).
133. “Bommet?” (VG, 18 March 2014).
132. “Lykke til med kanslerjubileet!” (Aftenposten, 18 March 2014).
131. “Selvstendig fra 1814” (Aftenposten, 13 March 2014).
130. “‘En af Rigets Hovedstæder’” (Aftenposten, 11 March 2014).
129. “Norges glemte konge – Unionskongen Carl XIII”, in Knut Arstad (ed.): Krig på sjø og land – Norden i Napoleonskrigene (Oslo: Forsvarsmuseet 2014),
128. “Hovedstad i 1314 en anakronisme” (Aftenposten, 25 February 2014).
127. “Last Dynasty” (Majesty, Vol. 35, No. 2, February 2014).
126. “Oslo ingen hovedstad i 1314” (Aftenposten, 10 January 2014).
125. “Tweed or Tiara” (Majesty, Vol. 35, No. 1, January 2014).
124. “Renessansefyrsten Frederik II – Fredrikstads fraværende grunnlegger”, in Tove Thøgersen et al (ed.): Mindre Alv – Årbok XV Fredrikstad Museum 2012-2013 (Fredrikstad: Fredrikstad Museum 2013).
123. “Hovedstaden er 200 år” (Aftenposten, 22 October 2013).
122. “En krone til hver sønn” (Aftenposten, 13 October 2013).
121. “Shahbanou” (Majesty, Vol. 34, No. 10, October 2013).
120. “Monarchy in the Balance” (Majesty, Vol. 34, No. 9, September 2013).
117. “Crown of Thorns” (Majesty, Vol. 34, No. 9, September 2013).
118. “Carl Johans avgjørende valg for Christiania” (Byminner, no 3 - 2013).
117. “Into the Future” (Majesty, Vol. 34, No. 7, July 2013).
116. “Oscarshall ment som kongebolig” (Aftenposten, 13 June 2013).
115. “Bernadotte Architecture: The Palaces and Capitals of King Carl XIV Johan of Sweden and of Norway” (The Court Historian, Vol. 18,1, June 2013).
114. “Sølvbryllupsgaven og unionsmytene” (Nordlys, 30 May 2013).
113.“Love & Marriage” (Majesty, Vol. 34, No. 6, June 2013).
112. “Sweden’s Grand Old Lady” (Majesty, Vol. 34, No. 5, May 2013).
111. “Queendom’s End” (Majesty, Vol. 34, No. 4, April 2013).
110. Untitled review of Gerd Steinwascher’s book Die Oldenburger. Die Geschichte einer europäischen Dynastie([Danish] Historisk Tidsskrift, vol. 112, no. 2).
109.“Bjørnson tilbød prins Eugen kongetronen” (Aftenposten, 8 March 2013).
108.“Erobret Fredrikstad i 1814” (Fredriksstad Blad, 23 February 2013).
107.“Kongen som erobret Norge” (Aftenposten, 27 January 2013).
106. “Dissident Princess” (Majesty, Vol. 34, No. 2, February 2013).
105. “Nidarosdomen som kroningskirke - En oppdiktet tradisjon” (Historie, no 4 - 2012).
104. “Kronprinsens krone”, in Andreas R. S. Dugstad (ed.): Trondhjemske Samlinger2011 (Trondheim: Trondhjems Historiske Forening 2012). 103. “Kong Olavs opinionsstyrte enevelde” (Dagsavisen, 22 October 2012). 102. “Prinsessen vi ikke kjente” (Aftenposten, 28 September 2012).
101. “Carl XIII - Den første unionskongen” (Historie, no 3 - 2012). 100. “Nidarosdomen eller Akershus? - Dronning Mauds død og spørsmålet om kongehusets gravplass” (Byminner, no 3 - 2012).
99. “Estelle” (Majesty, Vol. 33, No. 5, May 2012).
98. “Unionskongenes paradevogn fram fra glemselen” (Museumsbulletinen, no 1 - 2012).
97. “The Road to Nidarosdomen”, in Anniken Thue (ed.): Arv og tradisjon - De kongelige samlinger (Oslo: Orfeus Publishing 2012).
96. “A Travelling Monarchy”, in Anniken Thue (ed.): Arv og tradisjon - De kongelige samlinger (Oslo: Orfeus Publishing 2012).
95. “Veien til Nidarosdomen”, in Anniken Thue (ed.): Arv og tradisjon - De kongelige samlinger (Oslo: Orfeus Publishing 2012).
94. “Et reisende monarki”, in Anniken Thue (ed.): Arv og tradisjon - De kongelige samlinger (Oslo: Orfeus Publishing 2012).
91. “Royal Reformer” (Majesty, Vol. 33, No. 2, February 2012).
90. “Book review: The Four Graces: Queen Victoria’s Hessian Granddaughters” (Royalty Digest Quarterly, no 4 - 2011). 89. “Book review: Young Prince Philip: His Turbulent Early Life by Philip Eade” (Royalty Digest Quarterly, no 4 - 2011). 88. “The Oldest of the Bernadottes - Elsa Cedergren (1893-1996)” (Royalty Digest Quarterly, no 4 - 2011). 87. “Exhibition review: Ruling Through the Arts” (The Court Historian, Volume 16, 2, December 2011). 86. “Renaissance Queen” (Majesty, Vol. 33, No. 1, January 2012). 85. “Katedralen” (Prosa, no 5 - 2011). 84. “Dronning Mauds ikke så mystiske død” (Dagbladet, 7 November 2011). 83. “Kongelig ettergivenhet” (Aftenposten, 1 November 2011). 82. Untitled review of the books En dynasti blir till - Medier, myter och makt kring Karl XIV Johan och familjen Bernadotte, edited by Niklas Ekedahl, and Familjen Bernadotte - Kungligheter och människor, edited by Ingvar von Malmborg (Historisk tidsskrift, no 3 - 2011). 81. “Da Danmark forandret seg” (Dagsavisen, 20 September 2011). 80. “Kongens og dronningens kroner - Opprinnelse og anvendelse”, in Arve Sletten (ed.): Trondhjemske Samlinger2010 (Trondheim: Trondhjems Historiske Forening 2011). 79. “Den siste habsburger - Nekrolog Otto von Habsburg 20. november 1912-4. juli 2011” (Morgenbladet, 15-22 July 2011). 78. “Young Ingrid - Queen Ingrid of Denmark’s Early Years in Sweden” (Royalty Digest Quarterly, no 2 - 2011). 77. Untitled review of Thomas Lyngby’s, Søren Mentz’s and Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen’s book Magt og pragt - Enevælde 1660-1848(Historisk tidsskrift, no 2 - 2011). 76. “Carl III Johan - Carl XIV Johan? - Striden om unionskongenes ordenstall” (Personhistorisk tidskrift, no 1 - 2011). 75. “Borgerskapets inntog” (Dagbladet, 29 April 2011). 74. “Minner om et kongehus - Oscar IIs dynastiske utsmykkingsprogram” (Byminner, no 2 - 2011). 73. “Palassrevolusjonen” (Dagsavisen, 21 January 2011). 72. “Kongens nye hovedstad: Carl Johan, Christiania og arkitektene i Norges demring” (St. Hallvard, no 3+4 - 2010). 71. “Book review: Jean Baptiste Bernadotte. Revolutionsgeneral, Marschall Napoleons, König von Schweden und Norwegen by Jörg-Peter Findeisen” (Royalty Digest Quarterly, no 4 - 2010). 70. “Prince of Peace – Prince Carl of Sweden and the Nobel prize” (Royalty Digest Quarterly, no 4 - 2010). 69. “Exhibition review: Bernadotte’s Norwegian palace” (The Court Historian, Volume 15, 2, December 2010). 68. “Adel ved Bernadottenes norske hoff” (Historie, no 4 - 2010). 67. “Ingen ny Diana” (VG, 12 December 2010). 66. “Historiens lærdommer” (Klassekampen, 2 December 2010). 65. “Det undersköna Oscarshall - Hoffliv på sommerslottet 1855” (Langt Vest i Aker, no 40, December 2010). [Stolen by that publication from Byminner no 3-2010 and republished without permission, a violation of copyright laws which the editors Øivind Rødevand and Nils Carl Aspenberg have refused to apologise for]. 64. “Et parti som alle andre” (Dagsavisen, 22 November 2010). 63. “Slottets forbindelser til svensk og russisk arkitektur” (Kunst og Kultur, no 3 - 2010). 62. “Oslos fjerde grunnlegger” (Aften, 20 October 2010). 61. “Carl Johan som Norges konge - Maktkampen mellom konge og storting” (Historie, no 3 - 2010). 60. “Hvorfor deles den [Nobels fredspris] ut i Norge?” (Dagsavisen, 8 October 2010). 59. “Book review: Drottning Victoria av Sverige – Om kärlek, plikt och politik by Stig Hadenius” (Royalty Digest Quarterly, no 3 – 2010). 58. “A Broken Engagement – Frederik of Denmark and Olga of Greece” (Royalty Digest Quarterly, no 3 – 2010). 57. “Prinsessens tittel” (Aftenposten, 24 September 2010). 56. “Prinsessetittelen” (Aftenposten, 21 September 2010). 55. Untitled review of Herman Lindqvist’s book Jean Bernadotte - Mannen vi valde (Historisk tidsskrift, no 3 - 2010). 54. Untitled review of Carl-Erik Grimstad’s book Dronning Mauds arv (Historisk tidsskrift, no 3 - 2010). 53. “Tausheten etterpå” (Klassekampen, 14-15 August 2010). 52. “Grevinne Ruth av Rosenborg” (Aftenposten, 29 July 2010). 51. “Det undersköna Oscarshall - Hoffliv på sommerslottet i 1855” (Byminner, no 3 - 2010). 50. “Book review: En brud för kung och fosterland - Kungliga svenska bröllop från Gustav Vasa till Carl XVI Gustaf by Lena Rangström” (Royalty Digest Quarterly, no 2 - 2010). 49. “Ida Wedel Jarlsberg - Hoffrøkenen som var Ylajali?” (Historie, no 2 - 2010). 48. “Victorias arv” (Aftenposten, 20 June 2010). 47. “Oscarshall fra lystslott til luftslott – Kongelig bolignød 1929” (St. Hallvard, no 4 - 2009). 46. “Fru Schøller - hvor ble hun av?” (Adresseavisen, 29 May 2010). 45. “Arkitekten som formet hovedstaden” (Aften, 11 May 2010). 44. “Opposisjonens siste skanse” (Dagbladet, 29 April 2010). 43. “Dronning Ingrid og det moderne monarki” (Politiken, 28 March 2010). 42. “The Principality of Pontecorvo - Bernadotte’s Stepping Stone to the Throne” (Royalty Digest Quarterly, no 1 - 2010). 41. “Kongelig grensesetting” (Dagsavisen, 11 March 2010). 40. “Oscarshall har vært kongebolig” (Aften, 29 December 2009). 39. “[Prinsesse] Grete Sturdza” (Aftenposten, 8 December 2009). 38. “Kongevåpenet og 1905 – en kommentar til Hans Cappelens artikkel” (Heraldisk Tidsskrift, Volume 10, Issue 99, March 2009). 37. “Counts of Monpezat – Old Name Makes New Titles for Danish Royals” (Royalty Digest Quarterly, no 4 – 2008). 36. “Almost Queen of Sweden and Norway – Countess Maria Krasinska and the Last Days of Carl XV” (Royalty Digest Quarterly, no 4 – 2007). 35. “Kongelige titler” (Dagbladet, 4 December 2007). 34. “A British Queen of Norway” (British Politics Review, Volume 2, No. 4, Autumn 2007). 33. “En hån mot Christian Fred[e]rik” (Dagbladet, 20 October 2007). 32. “Astrid og Hendrix” (Dagbladet, 29 August 2007). 31. Kvinne blant konger – En biografi om prinsesse Astrid (Oslo: N. W. Damm & Søn 2007). 30. “An Eccentric Couple – Prince August and Princess Teresia of Sweden and Norway” (Royalty Digest Quarterly, no 1 – 2007). 29. “Denmark’s Scottish Princess – Anne Bowes Lyon” (Royalty Digest Quarterly, no 4 – 2006). 28. “Kongen Norge ikke fikk – Prins Carl av Sverige og det svenske kandidaturet til den norske tronen i 1905”, in Sune Åkerman and Ruth Hemstad (eds.): Skilsmässan som förde oss samman,Värmlands Museums årsbok 2006 (Karlstad: Stiftelsen Värmlands Museum and Värmlands Museiförening 2006). 27. Halvt for Norge? – Bernadottene og det norske tronfølgespørsmålet, 1850-1905 (MA dissertation in history, the University of Oslo, autumn 2006). 26. “Kongen vi ikke fikk – Prins Carl av Sverige og det svenske kandidaturet til den norske tronen i 1905” (Historie, no 2 – 2005). 25. “Norges siste unionsdronning” (Aftenposten, 10 July 2005). 24. “Ingrid Alexandra”, in Morten Malmø (ed.): Året i bilder (Oslo: N. W. Damm & Søn AS 2005). 23. “Count Lennart Bernadotte af Wisborg (1909-2004)” (Royalty Digest, No. 164, February 2005, Volume XIV, No. 8). 22. “Memories of Nine Decades: An Interview with Count Carl Johan Bernadotte af Wisborg” (The European Royal History Journal, Issue XLII, Volume 7.6, December 2004). 21. “The Last Vasa: Queen Carola of Saxony” (Royalty Digest, No. 163, January 2005, Volume XIV, No. 7). 20. “Ingeborg, Princess of Scandinavia”, part II (The European Royal History Journal, Issue XL, Volume 7.4, August 2004). 19. “Jeanne de Tramcourt – A French Colibri at the Swedish Court” (Royalty Digest, No. 160, October 2004, Volume XIV, No. 4). 18. “Ingeborg, Princess of Scandinavia”, part I (The European Royal History Journal, Issue XXXIV, Volume 7.3, June 2004). 17. “Norway has a New Heiress – The Birth of Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway” (The European Royal History Journal, Issue XXXVII, Volume 7.1, February 2004). 16. “The Unknown Sister: Princess Margaretha of Denmark” (The European Royal History Journal, Issue XXXVI, December 20003). 15. “Mauds og Märthas dødsårsaker” (Dagbladet, 14 December 2003). 14. “Two Kings and Three Queens Bid Farewell to ‘Uncle Mulle’ – The Funeral of Prince Carl Bernadotte” (The European Royal History Journal, Issue XXXIV, August 2003). 13. “Obituary: Prince Carl Bernadotte, 1911-2003” (The European Royal History Journal, Issue XXXIV, August 2003). 12. “Konge uten dronning: Monarkiet under kong Olav manglet et viktig aspekt, det kvinnelige” (Dagbladet, 2 July 2003). 11. “The People’s King - The Centenary of King Olav V of Norway” (The European Royal History Journal, Issue XXXIII, April 2003). 10. “Kong Haakon og Hornsrud-episoden” (VG, 5 June 2003). 9. “Dronning Maud – tippoldemoren” (Historie, no 2 – 2003). 8. Dronningen vi ikke fikk – En biografi om kronprinsesse Märtha og kong Olav (Oslo: Genesis forlag 2003). 7. “Sibylla – Sweden’s Tragic Princess” (The European Royal History Journal, Issue XXX, November/December 2002). 6. “To dronninger” (Filologen, no 3 – 2002). 5. “Dronning av et århundre” (Historie, no 3 – 2002). 4. “His Excellency Count Flemming of Rosenborg (1922-2002)” (The European Royal History Journal, Issue XXVII, May/June 2002). 3. “Story of a Wedding – Princess Martha [sic] Louise of Norway and Ari Behn” (The European Royal History Journal, Issue XXVII, May/June 2002). [Published without my permission] 2. “Kong Gustaf Adolf var ikke nazisympatisør” (Dagbladet, 7 August 2002). 1. “Norges britiske dronning” (Filologen, no 1 – 2002).
Dear Trond
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because I find your insights and obvious wealth of knowledge fascinating, and your writing style engaging. I am so sorry that this has happened to your country and your people. I take this opportunity to say that here in Australia we are thinking about Norway and share in your grief. The world stands by your side.
Lea Mai, Sydney, Australia
I have been impressed by the grace and dignity with which Norwegians have been coping with this tragedy. May your country honor the victims' memories by living on as a strong and peaceful society.
ReplyDeleteThank you, both of you. The many expressions of sympathy from our foreign friends have been much appreciated by everyone here in Norway.
ReplyDeleteAll my love to Norway, the Royal Familly and to the Norvegians. To day, we are all Norvegians.