It seems the upcoming wedding of Crown Princess Victoria and Daniel Westling in June has caused every tabloid journalist in Sweden to write a book about the bride-to-be. First out was Jenny Alexandersson (then of Svensk Damtidning, now Aftonbladet) with her book on the engagement, followed by Herman Lindqvist’s hagiography. As mentioned Johan T. Lindwall of Expressen will release Victoria – Prinsessan privat in March and now I hear that Catarina Hurtig, author of the gossipy Uppdrag: prinsessa (2006) is writing HKH Victoria – Ett personligt porträtt, due to be published by Norstedts in May.
On a more serious note Norstedts will also mark the bicentenary of the Bernadotte dynasty by publishing the anthology En dynasti blir till – Medier, myter och makt kring Karl XIV Johan och familjen Bernadotte, edited by Mats Ekedahl, which is a result of the research project “The Making of a Dynasty” and which will explore the means whereby the Bernadottes succeeded in establishing their dynasty in Sweden between 1810 and 1860. According to Norstedt’s catalogue the book will be out on 10 June.
As a French Marshal and government administrator Carl XIV Johan spent several years posted in Hamburg and Hanover and a number of biographies of him have been published in Germany over the years. Another is expected in May, when Katz Casimir Verlag will publish Professor Jörg-Peter Findeisen’s Jean Baptiste Bernadotte. Revolutionsgeneral, Marschall Napoleons und Schwedens König.
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